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  • #20: AI is as transformative as the Printing Press, Steam Engine, and the Internet: Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan Chase

#20: AI is as transformative as the Printing Press, Steam Engine, and the Internet: Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan Chase

#20: Latest edition of One More Thing in AI Newsletter.

Edition #20: One More Thing in AI, “As transformative as the Printing Press”

Date: 08-Apr-2024

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Specially curated for Startup founders and Business Leaders like you who want to get smarter on AI in less than 5 minutes.

In this short and focused edition, we are focusing on Jamie Dimon’s letter to the shareholders (source: JP Morgan Annual report, 2023). Especially the part where he refers to AI and how his bank is planning to use it. The CEO letter is quite an interesting read».

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Renjit Philip

AI as transformative as the Printing Press, Steam Engine, and the Internet: Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan Chase

Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase

Imagine having a team of expert analysts, coders, and strategists at your fingertips. They are there 24/7. That's the power of artificial intelligence (AI). Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, says AI will be as big a change as inventions like the printing press, the steam engine, and the Internet.

JPMorgan Chase has been investing heavily in AI for over 10 years. It has an AI team of over 2,000 experts and data scientists. At the bank, AI is already driving real business value. It does so across over 400 use cases.

These cases range from marketing and fraud detection to risk management. But they're just getting started. They are exploring the potential of generative AI to rethink entire workflows. This includes areas like software engineering, customer service, and operations. In this annual letter to the bank’s shareholders, he goes into detail on AI and how the bank is using it.

 🧠 Augmenting Your Workforce, Not Replacing It

Jamie allays the fears that his employees have about job losses by saying that AI is meant to augment the bank's workforce, not replace it. Sure, some roles may evolve, but new ones will emerge too.

He urges his employees to think of AI as a super-powered virtual assistant. It can handle tedious tasks so they can focus on higher-level thinking and driving real value.  

💡 Fueling Data-Driven Insights

JP Morgan is using AI to unlock insights from vast data reserves in the bank, that were previously untapped. AI can give them advanced analytics, one that they need not "program" (ie. unsupervised learning). They let financial institutions crunch numbers and draw conclusions as never before. This fuels better decisions, improved risk management, and better customer experiences.

JPMorgan is migrating more of their data and applications to the cloud, giving them the computing power to unleash the full potential of their data reserves. It's like upgrading from a basic calculator to a supercomputer (well, almost!).

🔒 Proactive Risk Management

Of course, with great power comes great responsibility. Financial institutions like JPMorgan are keenly aware of the risks AI poses, from bias to cybersecurity threats. That's why they've implemented robust frameworks to proactively manage these risks. They work closely with regulators, clients, and experts. They do this to ensure that AI decision-making is fair.  


For Banking /Financial services Employees:

  • Dimon suggests employees should be open to upskilling and retraining as AI may change or eliminate certain job roles.  

  • Employees should view AI as an opportunity to augment their work and productivity rather than a threat to their jobs.

  • Employees have the chance to adopt the AI technologies and become "AI whisperers" in their banks.

For Customers:

  • Customers can expect better services, risk management, and insights from the bank's AI. The AI will improve marketing, fraud detection, operations, and customer service.

  • Customers may enjoy more personalized experiences. Watch out for how banks are managing the impact of bias, though.

For Investors:

  • Investors should view the bank's big AI investments as a positive strategy. The investments will help the bank stay competitive and drive future growth. Share price at the time of writing (8th April, 2024) $ 198.46.

 🚀 The Future is Now: Embracing AI's Potential

Dimon sees AI as a critical priority for JPMorgan. He has created a new Chief Data & Analytics Officer role that reports directly to him.

The AI revolution is here. Financial firms that embrace this tech early will win. The future belongs to those who can harness the power of AI responsibly and strategically. What AI initiatives are you leading for your bank?

That is it for this edition of the Newsletter. If you subscribe to our email edition, you can read this Newsletter before non-subscribers, and it will stay in your mailbox for future reference. Subscription has its value!

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